The Ultimate Guide to Fat Loss Cookbook is something we have perfected over 20 plus years of helping clients lose weight and heal their bodies. Protein Sparing Modified Fasts (PSMF or Pure Protein Days as we call them) are an awesome way to improve and speed up weight loss, break stalls and get faster results. This book takes it to a whole new level with over 120 amazing recipes (40% more than our last ebook!) including PSMF versions of favorites like pumpkin spice breakfast shake, butterscotch pudding, donuts, beef stroganoff, and much more! Same great flavors but even better for fat loss results.
We try to add more and more content to give you more value with each ebook we produce. This isn’t an ebook for $20 with 40 recipes like many other authors will do. This ebook has over 120 recipes!
We also included a month of meal plans (4 weeks of 3 PSMF days each week) that include grocery lists making it super easy to include PSMF and get fast results!
This is a pdf ebook that can be viewed on any device or computer or printed out. The PDF is fully interactive with the recipe images in the meal plans linking back to the recipes, links to our favorite ingredients and more.
Find an index of all the recipes in this book HERE. This book is 8 1/2″ by 11″ format and is 182 pages.